Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sunday 6/15

After leaving Market Square Day yesterday, my stomach started to feel fairly uncomfortable. By the time it got home, it was pretty bad, and that combined with waiting around for over an hour for the awards, I didn't get in a very good post-race routine. I felt dehydrated and hungry but couldn't keep anything down for a few hours. As a result, I tightened back up, and I woke up this morning with my hamstring feeling sore again. It wasn't as bad as it had been previously, but it's still something I need to monitor. I was considering taking an off day until around 6pm when I was feeling a bit better and decided to test things out. After a few minutes on the treadmill, I determined my leg was good enough for a run. Weather was great at 70 and sunny for an 11 mile out and back along the Charles. Didn't push the effort, but I did get closer to my normal training pace which felt good after a week of slow training runs. I also hit the traffic lights nearly perfect with only 40 seconds of down time which was awesome. 11 miles in 62:50.

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