Thursday, May 7, 2015

Monday 5/5/15

Whoa, Boston what happened to the 60s? It went straight from low to mid 50s to high 70s! When I was getting ready for my run at 6PM, it was still 79 degrees out with 20 mph winds, so I figured it was going to be a slow day. I don't do well in the heat especially when there is no build up to it. When mid summer comes around, I'm sure I'll be ecstatic about 79 degrees. I just wasn't ready for it so fast. My legs were also feeling pretty tired from the 11 miler and yoga/circuit session yesterday. It was the good sort of soreness though. The type that is spread out all over and lets you know you're putting in some good work.

All of that considered, the run went fairly well. Fought the wind for the first half of the run, but I tried to keep things relaxed. Even with the wind at my back, I started to gradually slow down towards the end of the run. I didn't push things though. Chalked it up as an easy day. 10.5 in 66:59.

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