Saturday, May 3, 2014

Saturday 5/3

Last night, I saw Aziz Ansari live at the Wilbur Theater. It was a great show, but it did make for a pretty late night. I didn't feel great when I woke up this morning, so I decided to hold off my run until later. I did some core work around noon and spent the early afternoon watching the Bruins game. I had been planning on running after the game, but I realized I had forgotten to charge my iPod which had died yesterday. While I let that charge for a bit, I went to the market to pick up some fruit for protein shakes and lettuce for salads. (Side note: My eating habits were absolutely horrendous until last year when I started to turn things around. Early last summer, my training was going fairly well, but I knew I wasn't getting everything I could out of it because my poor food choices. By the end of the summer, I had made some great headway, but I reverted back during the winter. When I got injured in December, I decided to indulge myself a bit, and it didn't end until April. Surprisingly, I was able to kick the one habit over the winter that I hadn't been able to during the summer... soda. Soda has long been the one thing that I knew was probably the worst for me, and yet, I drank at least 2 liters of it a day. Thankfully, I discovered my love for fruit flavored seltzer water around February, and I've been able to completely cut out soda.) Anyway, still working on getting my eating habits back in check, but I'm hopeful.

  By 5pm, I was good go for my run. Weather was great - 62 slightly overcast (but no where near raining) with very little wind. I decided to run the same route as yesterday around the Charles, and I hit the intersection stop lights much better this time around. The first 4 miles felt much smoother than expected considering I hadn't been feeling well for most of the day. Around 6 or 7, my legs started to feel a bit heavy, but it was nothing major. I finished up strong, and overall, the run was on pace without me having to push at all. 10.4 in 57:59.

Enjoyed a frozen banana protein shake afterwards while watching the Kentucky Derby and hoping Wicked Strong would be able to pull out a miracle.

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