Friday, May 23, 2014

Thursday 5/22

Finally got the new fridge! After nearly 2 weeks without one, the new fridge was delivered today. They gave me a 2 hour window during which it would arrive, so I just rode my bike back to the apartment. We had some issues with delivery earlier in the week due to construction right in front of our building, but to my surprise, they showed up within that window. I actually enjoyed the wait today though. Coming home broke up the day, and I was able to get some work done from my laptop while watching netflix on the couch.

Standard 10 mile loop around the Charles. 60 and overcast. It rained for an hour or two earlier in the day but was fairly pleasant now which was also great because it meant that fewer people than usual were out on the paths. I haven't been keeping up with core workouts as often as I should have lately, so I did one before heading out for my run. The run itself went well, and my legs felt pretty good. I held a normal pace without too much effort and also kept the mile splits to a smaller range than I typically do. It always feels great when you don't have wild swings between your faster and slower miles unless you are running negative splits of course. 10.4 miles in 57:52.

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