Thursday, May 22, 2014

Wednesday 5/21

Rough run. I had plans to go out for dinner after work, but when I woke up early that morning to go for a run, my right leg was still stiff behind the knee. I decided to skip the morning run and figured I'd just take an off day to rest my leg. Unfortunately, I'm very bad at taking off days. My legs were feeling pretty good when I got home from dinner, and I couldn't stop myself from a late night run. I was off and running by 9pm which isn't a problem as far as worrying about cars since I'm on sidewalks and walking paths the whole time. The issue was that I had eaten an entire flatbread steak pizza and drank a few beers at dinner. The first 3 miles went fine, albeit a bit slower than usual which was to be expected. I always run a bit slower when it's dark, and I had opted to make it an easy pace anyway. If I can't stick to taking a day off, the least I can do is take it easy. From the fourth mile on, things started to get dicey. I could feel the food mixing around in my stomach and slowed the pace to 6:00. I was able to hold the pace through mile 7, but during mile 8, the writing was on the wall. My stomach was too upset, and I would have to give in. I slowed the pace to 6:30 as I just tried to make it home. It wasn't meant to be. I had to stop after 8 miles and walk the rest of the way or I'd risk losing my dinner. In retrospect, it all worked out in the end. I was able to get in an easy 8, and an upset stomach was probably the exact thing I needed to force myself to throttle back. 8 miles in 48:01.

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